Many dog food brands say they carry venison dog food. This often means their dog food includes venison sourced from deer raised in industrial ranching settings or "modern" farming techniques. Unfortunately, these massive "modern" techniques include the introduction of high levels of hormones, steroids, and even antibiotics into food animals' diets. If that weren't bad enough, modern livestock raising practices also involve cramming animals into crowded and uncomfortable surroundings. Unlike their competition, Addiction Raw Dehydrated Fig'licious Venison Feast Dog Food from Pet Store takes the term "venison" seriously.
This means sourcing venison that come from deer raised in healthy open pastures with fresh air. Absolutely no cramped and stuffy feed lots. This attention to healthy and fresh venison meat also means no added hormones and dangerous steroid inputs. Venison is already healthier than the average cut of beef, lamb, pork, or lamb, Addiction Raw Dehydrated Fig'Licious Venison Feast Dog Food adds another level of health benefit to venison in addition to its leanness and lower cholesterol levels.

Addiction's venison
dog food is also raised healthier and passes on the benefits of healthy outdoor-raised meat to your dog. Let your dog experience the better taste and health benefits of naturally raised venison, order a pack of Addiction Raw Dehydrated Fig'Licious Venison Feast Dog Food today.

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    Jenifer Long is a professional experts at petstore.com, Visit them today, you will be impressed by the quality products of the pet store like cat grooming table, luxury pet beds, cheap dog bed, luxury dog beds, cheap dog beds.

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